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Trucking Dispatch System 

Dispatch Management

Simplify dispatch with intelligent route planning, automated load management, and seamless communications that maximize productivity and ensure on-time deliveries.

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Dispatch Effortlessly

Automated Load Entry

Say goodbye to manual data entry with our intuitive drag-and-drop load intake, which seamlessly extracts load details from documents and accurately fills data fields.  Effortlessly integrate with existing systems to create a seamless workflow from order placement to delivery.

Data Entry
Dispatch Timeline
Automate Planning

Intelligent Driver and Trip Planning

Enhance driver schedules and assignments by factoring in availability, preferences, and routes to achieve peak efficiency and minimize idle time. Refine route planning to improve delivery times and cut down on fuel expenses.

handle complex trips

Split Legs 

Efficiently segment trips to optimize resource allocation and boost logistical effectiveness. Navigate multi-stop journeys and transfers with ease, adapting to ever-changing logistics demands.

2025 Q1 Assign Driver
2025 Q1 Second Feature
Dispatch communications

Chat and Communication Tools

Enhance driver schedules and assignments by factoring in availability, preferences, and routes to achieve peak efficiency and minimize idle time. Refine route planning to improve delivery times and cut down on fuel expenses.

How dispatchers Are
winning with truckpedia

"Before, you would need to enter everything in the computer manually. Now, Truckpedia saves me about an hour and half per day."

Mayra Mai, Dispatcher, LinkUS Transport.

Make the most of your Dispatcher’s time

Take control of your dispatch operations and elevate your logistics business. Experience the power
of automation, intelligent planning, and unparalleled efficiency with Truckpedia's powerful Dispatch Management.

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Discover more Truckpedia TMS features 

Powered by AI and packed with more features you actually want,
Truckpedia TMS fits your operation and empowers your team to do more—faster (and happier).

Zero-Effort Dispatch

AI powered load entry eliminates manual data-entry. Dispatchers can assign drivers in seconds with simple drag-and-drop load assignment or status changes. Route planning optimization and tracking make it all  effortless.


Learn More >

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