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land direct shipper business


(On us because we know growth can be a grind )


Trucking Made Simple.

Growth Made Inevitable.

your business made Unstoppable.


 Fill out the form on your right and a Truckpedia Trucking expert will reach out with your FREE list of 100 verified direct shipper contacts, tailored to your business. Your 100 FREE leads will include:


  • Full contact details: including email, phone number name, company and more—so you can hit the ground rolling!
  • Tailored for you: tailored to your target specifications so you can win.
  • Automated tools: we've got powerful automated email marketing tools (they're not included) but we're always happy to help get you started!
truckpedia shipper database

How it Works

legacy supply chain
LinkUS Transport
J&S Drayage
geenral electrics
tq logistics
brown dog carriers
favorit logistics_1
LR Logistics
inland empire
blackrock logistics_1
lia transport
all star
Capital express lines_1
fjl freightway
G line logistics
higgins transport
patterson trans
Precision Worldwid
schrontz trucking
scottys trucking
Seaview Pathway_1
sunrise trucking
sunstar logistics
Top Tier
Truckport express

How Drivers & Dispatchers Are
Winning With Truckpedia

"Before, you would need to enter everything in the computer manually.
Now, Truckpedia saves me about an hour and half per day."

Jeremy Steele
Driver, LinkUS Transport

Mayra Mai
Dispatcher, LinkUS Transport