  • General

  • Carriers

  • Shippers, Brokers, 3 PLs and Freight Forwarders

What is Truckpedia?

Truckpedia is digitizing trucking companies who offer FTL services. By empowering truckers, it enables shippers, brokers, forwarders, 3PLs, etc to book trucks as simple as booking a flight in real-time.

What makes truckpedia different?

Truckpedia operates as a fully transparent marketplace, directly linking carriers to anyone, much like the Airbnb model but applied to the trucking industry. Importantly, we don't markup any rates. Carriers pay a flat subscription to our platform, so Truckpedia is not broker, and there is no conflict of interest with any party.

Is Truckpedia trying to replace freight brokers?

No, Truckpedia isn't attempting to replace brokers. Instead, we're empowering brokers as well. We extend our technology to anyone to source real-time carriers capacities and rates.

What are the fees for using Truckpedia?

Truckpedia is free for shippers, brokers, 3PL's and freight forwarders.

How do I sign up for Truckpedia?

Truckpedia allows anyone to search for available trucks based on their location and preferences. Once a carrier is selected for a load, they can communicate and arrange for transportation.

What are the benefits of using Truckpedia?

Truckpedia simplifies the shipping process by connecting carriers and anyone with shipping needs in one platform. It saves time and money for both parties by eliminating the need for manual searches and negotiations. Carriers can share their capacities and rates in our marketplace, making it easy for anyone to find suitable carriers for their loads.

How does Truckpedia ensure the safety and reliability of carriers and brokers?

Truckpedia verifies the operating authority and insurance of all carriers before they onboard the platform. We equip carriers with the technology to ensure real-time tracking, communication, and sharing documents. We also monitor user activity and have a rating system that allows shippers to rate each load based on their experiences.

How do carriers get paid for transporting a load using Truckpedia?

Truckpedia partners up with third party payment system where shippers can securely pay carriers for their services. Once the transportation is completed, the third party would release the payment to carriers.

How do I report a problem with a load or a user on Truckpedia?

If you encounter any problems with a load or a user on Truckpedia, you can contact our support team through the platform or email us at support@truckpedia.io. We will investigate the issue and take appropriate actions to resolve it.



How will I receive my invoice?

If you encounter any problems with a load or a user on Truckpedia, you can contact our support team through the platform or email us at support@truckpedia.io. We will investigate the issue and take appropriate actions to resolve it.

When will I receive my invoice?

You should receive your invoice instantly after the load has been delivered.

How can I pay my bill?

Online in your Portal ( ACH or Credit Card ) if you are extended a line of shipping credit. If not, you will need to pre-pay for all shipments.

How can I view my statement?

Log into Truckpedia portal. Click on Accounting and you can access all invoices and details of each load.

What is my credit limit? How do I increase my credit limit?

Truckpedia partners up with a third party to run credit for every new shipper. Your limit will depend on your credit history.

My account is on hold. What can I do?

The most common reason for an account to be on hold is an outstanding balance that's past due with the carriers you've worked with. Therefore, the fastest way to remove a hold is to make an immediate payment of your past-due balances. If your account is paid in full but remains on hold, please contact us at support@truckpedia.io so that we can investigate and resolve the issue. Alternatively, if your account is on hold because you have reached your credit limit, please reach out for assistance.

What are your credit terms?

You can negotiate directly with carriers on your credit terms.


How do I file a claim for a damaged or lost shipment?

We’re very sorry that you’ve experienced an issue with your shipment. We’ll work hard to make it right. If your shipment was damaged or lost, please email claim@truckpedia.io. Once we’ve received your claim, a member of our claims support team will reach out to you and facilitate with the carrier’s insurance company.

How long does it take for me to get paid on my cargo claim?

In the unfortunate event that you have a claim, Truckpedia will assist you in facilitating the process with the carrier. Claims rules and regulations are governed by federal law under the Carmack Amendment and vary based on any outside agreements in place. Typically, claims resolve within 120 days after the carrier acknowledges receipt of a claim.


How do I dispute an additional charge?

Feel that a charge isn't valid? You can contact the carrier directly to dispute the fee directly through our online Portal. If you still can't come to an agreement, please email us at disputes@truckpedia.io to get started.

I paid my invoice. Why am I getting a past-due notice?

Great question — and we'll get to the bottom of it for you. Please email ar@truckpedia.io with the following information:

  • Load reference #
  • Date of payment submission
  • Payment amount
  • Remittance detail

We'll investigate the issue with the carrier and get back to you with more information.

What are the most common additional charges?

Great question — and we'll get to the bottom of it for you. Please email ar@truckpedia.io with the following information:

  • Residential - When an address is zoned as a residence. If your home-based business is in a residential area, it is considered a residence.
  • Accessorial Fees - When a shipment requires additional services or extended waiting time, carriers may charge additional fees. Typical accessorial fees are listed by each carrier you work with.

Will the carrier invoice my company directly?

Yes, all payments are settled between you and the carriers directly through Truckpedia.

Truckpedia Platform

How do I get a freight quote in the Truckpedia Platform?

Simply go on Truckpedia's “marketplace” and put in your shipment details. You do not need to create an account to get a quote. If we don't have the quote for you, we will send requests to carriers in our database and get back to you within 60 minutes or less.

How do I book a freight shipment?

To book (or order) a freight shipment:

  • Login to the Truckpedia Platform if you've already registered with us, or visit the Sign Up page to easily open an account.
  • Input your freight shipment details on the “marketplace” page and click “Submit” to receive an instant quote.
  • Select the carrier you'd like to work with.
  • Once you've chosen a shipping carrier, click “Accept” to book your shipment. You're ready to go!

Shippers, Broker, 3 PLs and Freight Forwarders


How does Truckpedia source trucks?

All qualified carriers are welcome to register an account with us. Truckpedia will go through a detailed screening and vetting process to approve satisfactory carriers. All carriers must be equipped with ELD that integrates with Truckpedia for real-time tracking and we request all carriers to have a modern TMS for instant updates, real-time visibility, and fast responses.

What and where can Truckpedia ship?

Truckpedia specializes in shipping business-to-business freight (dock to dock) across United States. We are opening our platform to Mexican and Canadian carriers as well.

Why does Truckpedia give me multiple freight quotes on each shipment?

The quotes don’t come from us. They come from carriers directly, so you can actually pick who you’d like to work with.

How far in advance should I book my shipments?

You can book as far as we have carriers sharing their capacities! However, it is normally cheaper if you can book 3-5 days in advance.


How do I track my order?

To track your shipment, simply log into Truckpedia and find the shipment you want to track. Click the “Tracking” tab. Follow your shipment from order confirmation all the way to delivery.

Can I send the receiver a tracking link so they can track an inbound shipment?

When booking a shipment in Truckpedia, you will have the option to enter the receiver’s email address so they can track an inbound shipment. Truckpedia will send an email notification to the receiver as soon as the carrier picks up the shipment.

Inside the notification email, receivers can click the ‘View and Track Shipment’ button to navigate to a receiver tracking page. There, the receiver will have limited, read-only access to the shipment details and tracking information. Receivers can continue to check this link throughout the shipment’s journey for delivery status updates.